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What You Should Know About Cheek Augmentation in NYC

One of the well known hallmarks of youth is a sculpted jaw line and high cheekbones. With age, the cheekbones lose their volume and take a hollowed out appearance.  If you want to get some volume back in your cheekbones, cheek augmentation in NYC is always an option. Cheek implants have the ability to bring youthfulness back to your face and restore your self confidence. Cheek augmentation in NYC adds definition to the face by adding mass and restoring the symmetry of the face. This procedure can take years off of the face and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. What is Cheek Augmentation Surgery? Cheek augmentation surgery improves the structure of your cheeks using both synthetic and biological materials.  Cheek augmentation can be performed using a variety of different techniques including temporary dermal fillers, collagen replacements and fat grafting. Which method is used depends on your individual needs and what the expert plastic surgeon you visit recommends. Are y

Who is a Good Candidate For Blepharoplasty in New York?

Due to fatty deposits and excess skin, over 1,000,000 patients per year get a blepharoplasty procedure done. In the last few years, Blepharoplasty in New York has become one of the leading eyelid procedures. However, just because the procedure is trending does not mean that everyone is a good candidate. There are certain qualifications that need to be fulfilled; a Blepharoplasty Expert in NYC can determine whether or not you are a good candidate. What you need to be a good candidate for Blepharoplasty: Before going in for a consultation with a Blepharoplasty Expert in NYC take the following into consideration. Below are some things that would make you a good candidate for the procedure: Realistic Expectations You need to understand how the procedure works, and how it will improve your eyelids. It is the job of the expert to make sure that your eyes look fresh and natural. This means that you should trust them and the changes they make to your face. Non-Smoke

Selecting the right cosmetic surgeon for rhinoplasty in NY

The major common factor in successful cases of rhinoplasty in New York is an experienced surgeon. Rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging procedures to perform and requires expertise as well as experience. Because of this, as a patient you need to find the right cosmetic surgeon. The CV of the surgeon should show positive results and verifiable skills. To find the right surgeon for rhinoplasty in NYC , here are a few things you should do: 1. Do your due diligence Finding the right surgeon requires doing your due diligence. This means that you need to be committed to the process and not select a surgeon unless you find a perfect fit. The right surgeon will be able to communicate well, and will be a compassionate individual with listening ability. Remember, there will be numerous surgeons who will meet the criteria and many who won't. You will have to be patient in selecting the right one. Rhinoplasty is an elective surgery, thus, you have ample time  to find the su

Things you should know about Sculpsure

Recent obsession in the cosmetic industry is the SculpSure . This procedure is perfect if you have stubborn fat pockets that are not going away no matter how hard to try. Sculpsure is perfect for belly fat, and love handles. The best part of SculpSure is that it is a non-surgical option procedure. It offers about 25% decrease in fatty tissue with almost no side effects. What is SculpSure? SculpSure is a breakthrough procedure approved by FDA that is based on the light technology. It helps to give you a slimmer and natural appearance without being under a knife. Without any downtime, this procedure helps you to lose the stubborn pockets of fats that often seem impossible to lose. SculpSure technology is able to target and destroy the fat cells in about the 25 minutes without affecting or burning the skin. In a few weeks, the damaged fat cells are naturally absorbed and removed from the body through the lymphatic system. The results can be seen in about 12 weeks. The procedure

Rhinoplasty - It's About Your Nose Reshaping

Rhinoplasty is a medical procedure for the nose and is referred as a nose job . The rhinoplasty procedure can be done if anybody has any problem with the structure of the nose, right from the birth or if anybody has problem-related to breathing. If you are unhappy with the size, position or angle of your nose, rhinoplasty is the best treatment to choose. It is an ultimate procedure that you can choose to fix the abnormalities related to the nose. A rhinoplasty surgery can also be done if you have a bumpy nose or if you have an expanded tip. To reshape the nose both open and closed Rhinoplasty is used. The choice of the surgery typically depends upon the clinical requirement and patient’s nasal shape. Let's discuss the open and closed rhinoplasty surgery. Open Rhinoplasty- The open Rhinoplasty surgery is used if there is a need for major nose reshaping. Under this procedure, the doctor makes an incision in the strip of skin separating the nostrils. After lifting the skin a

6 tips to lessen rhinoplasty recovery time

One of the most complex surgical procedures with a brief recovery period is rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty or nose job is the surgical procedure that can be cosmetic as well as restorative. The most common reasons for which the people opt for Rhinoplasty is to improve the birth defect, correct an old injury, or resolve snoring or more. The rhinoplasty patients feel minor pain, soreness and a bit of discomfort and sometimes swollen nasal and facial tissues. While majority of people are surprised that the recovery period is brief, here are a few tips by the Rhinoplasty expert in NYC that you should know about rhinoplasty recovery time: Follow-up questions Between all the follow up visits to the doctor’s office, it is necessary that you contact and call your surgeon regarding any concerns that you have. Whether you have questions about your nasal care or bump your nose or have excessive bleeding, it is important that you immediately call your  surgeon and let them know. Keepi

Everything you need to know about Ultherapy

With time, our skin becomes wrinkled and crepey. This is because of fat loss and loss of skin’s natural elastic, collagen. Loss of collagen sags the skin and makes its look extremely loose. The laxity of the skin is extremely noticeable around the face and the neck. Genetics play a big part in the quality of our skin. A good skin will give you the self-confidence and shaves off years from your face. Among the latest skin therapies, the best one that has taken New York by storm is Ultherapy. What is Ultherapy? Ultherapy is a non-invasive skin tightening procedure that provides a youthful appearance to the patient. It is used to lift neck, jaws, eyebrows and other areas. The high-tech procedure involves an ultrasound machine that increases the collagen production.  Ultherapy in New York City   has become the go-to procedure for the celebrities and housewives alike. As the innovative treatment, the Ultherapy shaves off the years without any incisions, downtime or a

Art Of Rhinoplasty

Every person wants to look good. The cosmetic surgery is boon for the people who want to enhance their features. The cosmetic surgery is not about changing your appearance but improving the same preferred version of yourself. In the art of Rhinoplasty, the button noses or ski-slope noses are all gone. The latest trend in the Rhinoplasty is to enhance the present features of the face. To preserve the features, “less is more” approach is used by the surgeons. The minor changes in Rhinoplasty often produce dramatic results. The alteration of a few millimeters can change the overall look of the patient. Rather than changing the entire nose, the surgeons focus on the features they want to refine. Also Read:  The Surprising Surgery That May Help You Quit Smoking Latest Trend As this procedure takes one short appointment, it is becoming one of the most preferred options for the patients. The injectable rhinoplasty or the lunchtime nose jobs are done using the fillers in and a