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Showing posts from December, 2018

What You Should Know About Cheek Augmentation in NYC

One of the well known hallmarks of youth is a sculpted jaw line and high cheekbones. With age, the cheekbones lose their volume and take a hollowed out appearance.  If you want to get some volume back in your cheekbones, cheek augmentation in NYC is always an option. Cheek implants have the ability to bring youthfulness back to your face and restore your self confidence. Cheek augmentation in NYC adds definition to the face by adding mass and restoring the symmetry of the face. This procedure can take years off of the face and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. What is Cheek Augmentation Surgery? Cheek augmentation surgery improves the structure of your cheeks using both synthetic and biological materials.  Cheek augmentation can be performed using a variety of different techniques including temporary dermal fillers, collagen replacements and fat grafting. Which method is used depends on your individual needs and what the expert plastic surgeon you visit recommends. Are y