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Showing posts from October, 2018

Who is a Good Candidate For Blepharoplasty in New York?

Due to fatty deposits and excess skin, over 1,000,000 patients per year get a blepharoplasty procedure done. In the last few years, Blepharoplasty in New York has become one of the leading eyelid procedures. However, just because the procedure is trending does not mean that everyone is a good candidate. There are certain qualifications that need to be fulfilled; a Blepharoplasty Expert in NYC can determine whether or not you are a good candidate. What you need to be a good candidate for Blepharoplasty: Before going in for a consultation with a Blepharoplasty Expert in NYC take the following into consideration. Below are some things that would make you a good candidate for the procedure: Realistic Expectations You need to understand how the procedure works, and how it will improve your eyelids. It is the job of the expert to make sure that your eyes look fresh and natural. This means that you should trust them and the changes they make to your face. Non-Smoke