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Showing posts from May, 2021

Top 3 Anti Aging Cosmetic Procedures

Over the last few years, plastic surgery has moved to places. The advances in the technology has created new techniques and procedures that helps to make the skin better. Sun damage and aging affects the quality of the skin and the plastic surgery techniques betters it. The service that was once only for celebrities and movie stars is now available for the common people. Decision for the cosmetic surgery is   a personal one. While the phrase includes the word surgery, it is not necessary that the procedure has to be invasive. Cosmetic surgery is used to enhance the features of the face and body. The following three procedures enhances the facial features and are anti aging. Ultherapy A non-invasive skin tightening procedure, Ultherapy is used to give youthful appearance to the face. It is used to lift the neck, jaws, eyebrows and other areas. The high tech procedure involves ultrasound machines that work to increase the collagen in the body.  Ultherapy in New York   has become one of m

Why should you opt for eyelid lift surgery?

Eyelid lift or blepharoplasty is an eye lift procedure that is performed either on the upper or lower eyelid. As a principal procedure,   eyelid lift surgery in NYC   is perfect for the people who need it for medical or cosmetic reasons. Here are a few commonly known reasons to opt for   eyelid lift surgery: Droopy Eyelids For people with droopy eyelids, it is necessary to have eyelid surgery. The surgery will ensure that their vision is not obstructed by the loose skin. Another benefit of the surgery is that they will have tightened skin that takes years off from the face. The incisions for the eyelid surgery are made in the natural fold of the eyelid. Through these folds, the fat can be sucked out. The surgeon with tighten or loosen the stitching depending upon the muscle of the eyelid. Extra skin on the lower eyelids The eyelid lift is a perfect procedure for you if you have extra skin on your lower eyelid. The excessive skin causes dry eyes, wrinkles and extreme sagging. The   plas